Sunday, February 22, 2009

Early morning wake up call

I don't have any pictures to go along with my story but I have to write about what happened this morning. To begin with we have a video baby monitor for Reagan in her room so I can always see her when she is in there asleep.
Well this morning Robert D & I were lying in bed when Trey & Randi came & tackled us. After a few minutes of playing they realized that Reagan was in her room fast alseep. Well of course they could not have that. Trey said," Lets go wake up Reagan." Randi says," okay!" So off they run & we enjoyed the show from our bed. I so wish we could of got it on video. So priceless!! Anyway, so picture this: Reagan all curled up with her blankie, fast asleep, you can even hear her snoring very softly.
Then you hear the click of the door opening & Trey turns the light on. Randi starts hollering & Reagan's head pops up & back down about 3 times trying figure out what has just happened. Trey & Randi are laughing very loud. Randi then decides that Reagan needs company in the crib so climbs up & starts hugging & kissing her. Well you can only imagine what Reagan thinks about the whole thing. She begins to cry & Trey, being the big brother, realizes their mistake & says, "oh lets put her back to sleep!" He runs, turns the light off , jumps up in the crib & starts rubbing her back saying, "shh." That doesn't work so he begins to wind up her mobile while Randi "beats on Reagan's back". Trey then has to instruct Randi to be "easy". Well none of that works & Reagan begins to cry louder & louder so Trey calls for the calvary, "DADDY"!!!
So after Reagan is out of her siblings reach they attempt to get down from the crib. Trey has no problem. Remember we are still watching all of this on the baby monitor. Randi looks around & makes a couple of attempts to get down but decides not to. Trey being the big brother says ," here Randi let me help you." She considers it but quickly decides she likes her head to much. So she stands up & starts hollering, "DADDY,DADDY!"


Rushing 2 said...

Wish we could have been there. They are sooo sweet.

Tracy said...

Too funny!! I'm sure Reagan will learn how to take up for herself soon enough. Clayton sure did.