Saturday, March 7, 2009

Where Is My Potty Chair?

Trey & Randi now sleep in the same room where there is also a half bath. When Randi goes potty she has a seat that fits over the toliet so she won't fall in. We have since moved that into their bathroom. Well this afternoon during naptime she woke up & needed to go potty. Instead of waking Trey up I took her into the main bath where there is no potty seat. The entire time she kept asking, "where is my potty? where did my potty seat go, mommy?" I told her, "I don't know just potty while I hold you" well she did & I walked her back to her room & told her to go back to sleep & shut the door. Well a few minutes later I heard the door open. I walked toward the hall & she was standing in the door way holding her potty seat. She said ," look mommy, I found my potty seat!" She walked to the main bathroom, threw it in & walked back to her room & shut the door.

She keeps us laughing with her 2 year old way of thinking.

1 comment:

godfrey said...

how funny! They are just so cute a this age.