Monday, April 12, 2010

Trey's Field Trip

Trey's kindergarten class went on field trip to a farm. He had such a good time with all his friends. He got to see bunnies, roosters, geese, pigs, a cow & a horse. We went on a hayless hayride & then went onto a schoolbus that had been turned into a petting area. He got to pet a bunny, & hold a baby duck. He wanted no part in holding the baby chick. After playing on the playground it was time for a picnic.
When we arrived back at the school we went to the public library where the kids have artwork on display.

The kids loved this swing.

When one goes, they all go!!

Mona Lisa


godfrey said...

Looks like you guys had fun!

Anonymous said...

It does look like Trey had fun petting the animals & playing on everything. I like that wooden horse they all rode.

love you all
Nanny & Pappy