Monday, March 22, 2010

Trey's 6!!

Today my little man turned 6 years old. He got to have cupcakes at school & his friends sang happy birthday to him. After school mom, dad, his sisters, pappy & nanny took Trey to eat at the Mexican place. We had the waiters come sing to him & attempt to put a hat on him but he was just TOO shy. They brought him fried ice cream but he was so embarrassed that Randi volunteered to eat it for him. I made his favorite cake, strawberry so he had a piece of that instead.
He also got to play his favorite game, SOCCER!! He had a makeup game , so he was super excited to get to play on his birthday!!

Happy Birthday Trey!!!
We Love You So VERY Much!!!
Mommy & Daddy


Kelli W said...

Happy Birthday Trey! We had a great time at his party Saturday:) And yum...that fried ice cream that Randi is eating looks so good!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday Trey, We love you!!