Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Preschool Graduation

I can not believe that my child just finished preschool!! It seems like just yesterday that I left him with Mrs. Nita.
Last night was so great!! Before his program we went to Trey's favorite place, Waffle House. There he got a few small toys for his graduation(like his dad did).
For the program they got to choose what they wanted to be when they grew up & Trey picked a hockey player. He got to dress like a hockey player & his line to say was, "I want to be a hockey player & skate across the ice. I won't be like the other guys, I'll play fair & nice." When it came his turn to speak he couldn't get his mask off but thankfully Mrs. Nina (his teacher) was there & helped him. I was so proud of him when he said his part. He did it PERFECT & SO CLEAR!(thanks Mrs. Cynthia)! Aunt Ange, you would be so proud!!
After all the classes were done came time for graduation. They each got a diploma & then they sang some songs. The last one they sang was by far the best. I laughed so hard that I was crying. Trey has since taught me & Randi how it goes.

I am so proud of my little man!!

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